
译自2011- A Year in Review at HIMSS12 by Keith Boone

译自2011- A Year in Review at HIMSS12 by Keith Boone

译2011: A Year in Review at HIMSS12 by Keith Boone Keith Boone是我一直在关注 在follow的老头子,虽然好像还是蛮年轻 ,一直找不到很好的地方 很好的网站 大多数网站在外面实验室糟糕的代理模式下是压根发表不了新帖的。不幸的科学网就这样躺在中枪了。 周一 2月20日 2012 2011:HIMISS12 过去一年的回顾 通常H

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Data Versus Information- The EMR Readability Problem  by  Bruce Friedman

Data Versus Information- The EMR Readability Problem by Bruce Friedman

两篇来自 Bruce Friedman的博文 http://labsoftnews.typepad.com/lab_soft_news/2012/08/data-vs-information-the-emr-readability-problem.htmlhttp://labsoftnews.typepad.com/lab_soft_news/2012/08/data-vs-informati

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EHR Architecture and Design by Jerome Carter on March 25, 2013 **Updated August 26, 2014 **<span style="color

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译自Good Exchange Specifications- Microsoft vs Apple  by Grahame Grieve

译自Good Exchange Specifications- Microsoft vs Apple by Grahame Grieve

译自Good Exchange Specifications: Microsoft vs Apple by Grahame Grieve 构建一个标准之初你必须要做的选择之一是如何进行领域分析。这是一个你如何使用story board故事版的问题。这里有苹果的做法,也有微软的做法。 苹果的做法 苹果的方法很简单:你以文档形式记录下你的story board,然后为你所接受的story

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HL7 need a fresh look

HL7 need a fresh look

此间,由Grahame Grieve发表的一篇题为HL7 Fresh Look Task Force的博文引起了人们的热烈的讨论,RIMBAA的邮件列表里讨论了很久,随后Grahame Grieve 又发表一些后续的相关博文,Keith Boone也有一些,今日又看到Wes Rishel的一篇题为Lessons From the Putative Failure of HL7 V3的博文,当然

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how to understand  Health Concern

how to understand Health Concern

Health Concern的概念是我一直捉摸不透的, 为什么要有这样的一个概念 最近在FHIR 的mailing list上有一些探讨 收集以供自己了理解The conundrum of the observation-concern-

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译自Implementing IHE SVS Over the Trifolia Consolidated CDA by  Keith Boone

译自Implementing IHE SVS Over the Trifolia Consolidated CDA by Keith Boone

Friday, March 9, 2012 BY Keith Boone Implementing IHE SVS Over the Trifolia Consolidated CDA Database 这个32行的程序是为了让JSP页面能够根据Trifolia Workbench database 构建一个 IHE SVS Value Set 的实现。它完全没有处理任何错误,如果变量匹配

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译Introducing NHIN Direct NHIN Direct的介绍 by Keith Boone

译Introducing NHIN Direct NHIN Direct的介绍 by Keith Boone

原文链接 之所以关注这篇文章的作者是因为之前一直在看Keith Boone的Blog,从他的首页上看到了几个人的Blog的外链,Keith这么胸猛,他推荐的人自然不会逊色。他们也将成为我在茫茫Healthcare Standards的知识海洋中学习的几

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译自Liberating Consolidated CDA Templates from the Trifolia  Keith Boone

译自Liberating Consolidated CDA Templates from the Trifolia Keith Boone

Tuesday, March 6, 2012 By Keith Boone Liberating Consolidated CDA Templates from the Trifolia Workbench Data CDA Consolidation project的目标之一是从模板的模型驱动数据中自动化的构建验证和开发工具。我曾期望与MDHT项目有更加紧密的合作,我希望最终能够实现。几个星期

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译《A Perfect Implementation Guide》by Keith Boone

译《A Perfect Implementation Guide》by Keith Boone

分类: What the New Meaningful Use Standards for Electronic Health Records Mean 原文链接 http://www.dietsinreview.com/diet_column/07/new-standards-for-electronic-health-records/ 就在周二,联邦政府发布了题为“Electronic

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译自The XSLT document() function  by  Keith Boone

译自The XSLT document() function by Keith Boone

Thursday, January 26, 2012 BY Keith Boone The XSLT document() function 有人在Structured Document 工作组邮件列表中问了一个如

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译自Value Sets and QueryHealth  by  Keith Boone

译自Value Sets and QueryHealth by Keith Boone

Tuesday, November 1, 2011 By Keith Boone Value Sets and QueryHealth Query Health的一大难题就是一个特殊的measure就可能引用大量的编码值。在HL7中

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译《A Perfect Implementation Guide》by Keith Boone

译《A Perfect Implementation Guide》by Keith Boone

Tuesday, February 1, 2011 A Perfect Implementation Guide 英文原文链接 在上周HL7/IHE/ONC Consolidation Project的电话会议上,其中两个人同意新增

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需求1、DSL:要能够使用DSL来描述定义API 2、DSL编辑工具:要有易用的编辑工具来编写API定义 3、API的校验:最终的AP定义要能够可执行,可以用来确认API的动作 最好是cURL或者浏览器的服务交互来分析请求响应 4、API文档:从API定义中可以自动生成文档 5、解析器:支持多种语言,能从IDL中生成客户端代码,java、js、php、ruby、pytho

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译自Defining a Summary Care Record for MeaningfulUse Stage2 by Keith Boone

译自Defining a Summary Care Record for MeaningfulUse Stage2 by Keith Boone

Wednesday, March 14, 2012 By Keith Boone Defining a Summary Care Record for MeaningfulUse Stage2 作者在文中提到“他在昨天的post中 描述了Meaningful Use Stage 2 rules中所存在的对于Summary Care Record的描述的混乱之处。今天他将进一步来简化它们。

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Cross Enterprise Document Sharing 跨机构文档共享 IheOS http://sourceforge.net/projects/iheos/ IheOS源自NIST本来做原始的XDS规范测试的(现在不做这个了)的参考实现的工作。Bill Majurski是XDS的创始人,并且不止是XDS规范的核心人员之一,也是这个开源项目的核心之一,也是很多由IHE开发

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